Friday, November 7, 2014

A Surefire Formula for Fat Loss & Muscle Building

It's been a good long while since I've written a post. In my defense, I've been busy.

Busy doing what?

Busy writing a book, that's what!

The health and fitness industry is writhing with pseudo-theories and bogus science, and aside from the work of a few exceptional individuals, most of what constitutes the bulk of bodybuilding literature is depressingly devoid of simple, actionable recommendations that are founded upon rigorously tested scientific principles.

Ridiculous supplement regimens, complex training programs, and voodoo diets that espouse eating no carbs past 6:17 PM because they'll disrupt x, y, and z are nowhere to be found in what I'm writing. Though the science behind my recommendations may be complex, the practical implications of the science are straightforward and simple.

Not only will I show you how to effortlessly lose fat and build muscle, I'll also cover various topics such as: "clean" eating, how often you should eat protein, what sorts of foods will help you to fill satisfied during a diet, and much more.

When will this book be available?

Not for awhile, I must admit. As it turns out, writing a book requires time. I don't want to skimp on any details or leave anything to chance with my book. My goal is to do my best to deliver a quality product, and quality does not come rapidly. Just know that the book is coming, and it's coming soon (hopefully!).

1 comment:

  1. Hey my brother has been some referrals for Green supplements for fat Loss & Muscle Building. I know that Green supplements are used by the body builders and athletes but we shouldn’t take them without taking advice from professionals. Well dear I really liked your post and it is very informative!!
